Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This week ...

I have 2 new kits available in the store this week. The Touch of Vintage kit (pictured below) and also a brag book mini album of 6 4x6 stickits from my Bella kit.


This album coordinates with my Bella kit also sold at the TSG store:


Ragan has an appointment today for bloodwork. I always hate these appointments. I get so anxious and nervous. I guess it's because so often we get bad news at them lol, but i'm going to have to start thinking positive! She will remain in remission! She WILL!

Tomorrow is what they call "showoff" day at ballet where they let the parents watch through the window so I'm hoping I'll be able to get some more pictures I can scrap of her in her adorable little leotard! :)

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